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16th-19th DECEMBER 2021
Till 10th December, 2021
Invited Speakers
Professor Subenoy Chakraborty
Jadavpur University, India

Professor David F. Mota
University of Oslo, Norway
Professor Anne Christine Davis
University of Cambridge, UK
Professor Alessandro Melchiorri
University of Rome, Italy
Professor Paolo Salucci
SISSA, Italy
Dr. Emmanuel Saridakis
National Observatory of Athens, Greece
Dr. Spyros Basilakos
Academy of Athens, Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics, Greece & National Observatory of Athens, Greece
Dr. Weiqiang Yang
Liaoning Normal University, P. R. China
(Email: [email protected])
Registration is free. It is open to UG, PG students, research scholars, post-doctoral fellows and faculty members. Program schedule and the meeting link for the workshop will be emailed to all the registered participants prior to the event. If anyone needs participation certificate, we can provide after the workshop. For any query please write to: [email protected]
Invited Speakers
Dr. Eleonora Di Valentino
University of Sheffield, UK
Dr. Olga Mena
IFIC, Universidad de Valencia-CSIC, Spain
Dr. Andronikos Paliathanasis
Durban University of Technology, South Africa
Dr. Yi-Fu Cai
University of Science and
Technology of China, P. R. China
Dr. Sumanta Chakraborty
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, India
Dr. Rafael C. Nunes
Inst. Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais,INPE, Brazil
Dr. Genly Leon
Universidad Catolica del Norte, Chile
Dr. Nicola Tamanini
Universite de Toulouse, France

The Department of Mathematics of Presidency University is one of the oldest in the country, having, started functioning since the foundation of Hindu College (then the name of the University) in 1817. In keeping with its tradition of academic excellence and the achievements of its illustrious alumni, the department is poised towards developing its teaching and research initiatives further. The department is well equipped with resources such as a seminar library for the students and MathSciNet for the researchers.
The courses offered by the department are as follows: three years B. Sc, two years M. Sc, GenEd /GE Course (for the Students with major subject other than Mathematics), PhD. After the formation of the University, undergraduate syllabus was thoroughly revised from the academic year 2015-2016 and the revision of postgraduate syllabus has been done on 2017-2018. The department has initiated its Ph. D. programme from November 2018.
Meghnad Saha
Radhanath Sikdar
Nikhil Ranjan Sen
Satyendra Nath Bose